
Where Have I Been?

First and foremost, if you didn't read this blog title in a southern drawl, then it's crucial you watch this video for reference.  Fast forward to the 1:10 mark if you are impatient.  You'll thank me later.  

Second - I'm back.  I totally dropped my blogging ball game right before the holidays hit and then it was just hard to get back into my groove.  Here are a few snippets of what my nails and I were up to over the past month or so...

My signature print in fun jewel tones

Enjoying a pre-holiday glass of wine

Santacon with my cousin and fellow fashionable blogger, Erin

Holiday mani in Size Matters by Essie (how could you not love that polish name?!)

New jammies on Christmas Eve with Dad

Finally got to dip my fingers into Chanel Peridot - it's about time.  Thanks to my bff for Christmas gifting me with the polish I lusted after all fall!

No better way to ring in the new year than in faux fur and a party crown!

Now, I am not usually one for sticking to resolutions, but I resolve to be better about blogging this year.  Cheers to a very polished 2012!
xo LNW


  1. Love the wine in the bathtub! Happy new year!

  2. I love all these pictures and especially your color combo for the leopard nails (:
