
Update: Marble Madness (literally)

I researched the technique online and it sounded simple enough.  It was not:

1.  Paint your nails with a base coat (optional)

2.  Cover skin surrounding nail in cuticle oil (also optional, but it sounded much easier than trying to remove polish from all over your fingers)

3.  Drop one color of nail polish into room temp. water.  Immediately drop second color on top of first.  Swirl with toothpick.

4.  Quickly dip and hold nail in swirled polish.

5.  Remove nail, repeat on next finger.

Ummm...I consider myself to be pretty crafty when it comes to nail polish and inventive nail techniques.  However, I think I would have had more success performing open heart surgery today.  I did two nails and became so incredibly frustrated (and also spilled cuticle oil everywhere) so I called it quits.  I feel that I may have been taking out my frustration of watching the Masters all day onto this delicate nail technique.  I'd be willing to give it another try with fewer distractions and maybe some assistance.

*I refuse to even put up any of the pictures I took of the process because my blog would lose all credibility and you might begin to wonder if I was totally drunk or in the middle of a seizure while manicuring myself today.

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